About Us


In 1992, Bro. Mohammed Ali Mujahid (May Allah have mercy on him), then a student of University of Cape Coast and a national executive member of then Ghana Muslim Youth Movement (GMYM), a mass Muslim youth organisation, came out with a well-thought-out dream of a Muslim intellectual organization in Ghana. 


Bro. Mujahid's dream was simple: 'Let there be a group of young Muslim intellectuals in Ghana formally bounded in an organization to promote Islam through education and intellectual development for the benefit of the Ummah'.


On the 5th of February, 1994, Ghana Academy of Muslim Professionals (GAMP) was officially inaugurated in Accra under the name Ghana Muslim Academy (GMA). The then Deputy Minister of Environment, Science & Technology of the Republic of Ghana, the late Dr. Farouk Braimah inaugurated the new organization with Bro. Mohammed Ali Mujahid as the President and Bro. Ayuba Tahir as the General Secretary. Since then, the organization has been very active and has not been derailed from its original mission. In fact, it has grown from strength to strength.

We believe in the motto 'Islam is Development' and understand the words of Allah that: “Surely Allah does not change the condition of a People unless they begin the changing process themselves” (The Glorious Qur'an).


The former name, Ghana Muslim Academy was officially changed to Ghana Academy of Muslim Professionals in December, 2017 to reflect the current memberships. Is made up of young Muslim Intellectuals and professionals from diverse academic and professional backgrounds. These include; Medical doctors, Lawyers, Diplomats, Bankers, Lecturers, Teachers, Engineers, Islamic Scholars, Public Servants, Nurses, and Journalists among others.


Since its inception three decades ago, GAMP has tailored its programmes and projects towards the realization of its mission and vision. The GAMP story has been a success story by all indications.

Among the activities that the organization undertake include; Annual Free Vacation School, Annual Ramadan Lectures, Annual Sisters’ Forum, Da’wah and Educational Counselling, The Prisons Reformation Ministry, Orphans Support Project and other collaborative projects.


It must be stated that the magic behind the success of the GAMP and the accomplishment of its programmes is the great deal of Volunteerism, Sacrifice and Teamwork on the part of its members.